
Friday, April 17, 2015

Pleasantly Surprised

I had my shots and was beyond blown away when she told me that after my next appointment I may be able to switch to as needed.  In my head because I had small spots growing in different places I figured they were going to get bigger.  She told me that I shouldn't think that.  Instead she said it seems like the spots are coming in smaller and that maybe this next month there would be no new spots at all.

I am so excited about this.  I try not to get too overly hopeful in case it doesn't work out this way.  But I can't help it...when I think about it I get crazy happy.  Maybe I am seeing results after all.  I have to believe that things are going to get better from here.  Thank you guys for being there for the days when I am not so hopeful.  I won't say they won't happen anymore but perhaps they will be less frequent.

Hope you guys have an amazing day.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you are going through all to well. She is right though, be hopeful. I know people who only had outbreaks every now and then and that was it. It is frustrating and emotional. Xoxo Ruth
