Sorry my blogging hasn't been as frequent, with the kids home for spring break things have just been so much more hectic. We have been busy with sleep overs, bowling, coloring eggs all the crazy things that make up spring break. We still have a bit more to do so don't be surprised if you don't here from me till Monday.
My eating healthy has been going about the same and I am feeling great. Once the kids get back to school, I definitely need to start experimenting with recipes again. I have done okay with my eating but I haven't been encouraging them to try enough this break.
The kids are so excited to be able to go outside, as we all are!! I sat on our deck and read while I watched my youngest swinging in the sun. We were all in such a wonderful mood. I know there is always talk about how dark and gloomy Rochester area can be, but I have been thinking that in some ways it makes the sun more special here. We don't take for granted how beautiful and warm the sun is. We all embrace it with open hearts. We lift our heads toward the sky and let the warmth radiate down on us. I am not sure that people everywhere feel quite the way we do.
I went to meditation again this week and I really enjoyed it again and have decided that it is definitely something I will continue to do each week. I find such a sense of peace being there. I feel like it grounds me as a person a little bit.
I have found myself worrying a lot less about my hair. I still have new patches popping up, but the older ones seem to be filling in with hair. Some days I am doing so well that I think that it doesn't even matter what happens with my hair. The more I take the time to learn about who I am the less important it seems to be.
I am having so much fun figuring out simple things about myself. For instance when I try a new food, taking the time to really let myself discover about it, is it salty, is it sweet. Do the flavors taste agreeable to me. If they don't what flavors could I mix with it to make it enjoyable. I realize that this is probably a pretty simple concept for most people but I never have done it. So it is new to me..
I am also trying to read different books then I ever have before, as well as taking pictures of things from different angles. I guess over all I am trying to experience life in a brand new way. When we took a walk after dinner, I took pictures standing and kneeling, climbing close to trees. The photo above is a shot I took. I like taking nature pictures to go with my blog. It is fun.
This beginning of spring is full of renewal and new life in nature and for me and my family. My next adventure needs to be to start looking into my garden. As soon as the kids get back to school I am going to go find seedlings and figure out what I have to do even if it is just a few vegetables!
Hope you are all enjoying spring break as much as I am!!