
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Change is in the air

This blog is probably going to go through a bit of a change in the upcoming weeks.  I will still post deals as I see fit but honestly my focus has changed.

 As I am sure most of you have noticed I have gone on a bit of a hiatus.  I have been going through some personal struggles that have kind of taken the wind out of my sails.  I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.  I have Alopecia Areata, Most simply put it is thought to be an autoimmune disease that makes my immune system think my hair follicle is something bad so it attacks it.  The only symptoms the hair loss and sometimes it itches a little bit.

When it started it was merely a dime sized patch on the back of my head, The spot has grown into something between the size of an orange and a grapefruit.  There are other spots all over my head from the size of a dime to the size of a quarter or bigger.  As you can imagine it has been a bit upsetting.  My morning ritual can be a bit time consuming trying to make sure all the bald spots are covered by the hair I do have...think Christian Bale at the beginning of American Hustle.  It's okay laugh it was meant to be funny.  I have gone through some stages of pretty nasty depression trying to deal all the while continuing to do all the things I have to do.

 I am seeing a dermatologist and I have gone through the joy of having needles injecting steroids into the spots in hopes of hair regrowth.  The great thing is that I am seeing some results.  I will continue to see my Dr.  but in truth I just don't feel like it is enough and my hair may be regrowing but it is still falling out at an alarming rate as well.

One of the first steps I am taking is to change my diet.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I have always had a pretty awful diet.  I have been known to eat more pizza in a week than any person should admit to, and in my life I have consumed enough chocolate to lay m&ms from New York to California several times.  I knew it would catch up with me.  I had hoped it wouldn't but I knew it would. I think I just thought it would hurt me in an ever expanding waistline and clogged arteries when I became elderly.  I didn't think I would see health ramifications when I was this young.  Which lets face it I am not as young as I used to be.

I have read that there have been people who have had success going gluten free, I am at this point willing to try anything, And I get it, it seems to be a buzz word everywhere these days, but I am seriously willing to try ANYTHING to help this to stop.  I don't know exactly what I am doing or where this will lead but I thought I would write about my observations of how this changes me.

I am also going to try meditating and increasing my exercise.  I am going to limit my social media use and focus on my family.  I am going to go back to reading books in the solid form.  I am hoping that just by living a whole life I will start to get better, and if not at least have a whole bunch of new healthy habits to keep me busy.

I am starting these changes I will have my first post to share my experiences tomorrow.

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