
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 11 Getting Out Of My Comfort Zone

I figure there is no better way to feel better about your eating the day before than to start the day with a green smoothie.  It is loaded with a ton of vitamins and while I wouldn't be caught dead eating salad in the morning...this is a way for me to do just that.  It tastes freaking delicious. 

Today I made it my mission to get back to trying new foods.  If you have noticed in this blog I keep mentioning that I should have picked up a sweet potato, or it would have been better if I ate a  sweet potato.  The truth is that I have never tried a sweet potato until today.  This is one of those foods I have been reading rave reviews about.  How they are so delicious no matter how you fix them and on and on.  I have to tell you I wish somewhere in there someone would have mentioned that sweet REALLY means sweet.  The one I made I seasoned with a little bit of butter and cinnamon.  It was a popular combination I had come across all over the internet.  I was not impressed.  I made sure to eat at least a quarter of it, to say I truly gave it a good taste, but to me it tasted too sweet.  It was like when I used to come across a wine that was entirely too sweet for my taste.  I preferred it dry like the Sahara Desert.  So my question to all you is what are your recipes that cut down on the sweet taste.

I also tried sugar snap peas with my son after dinner, they are one of his favorites, and I see why.  I am sure you all are starting to see a theme here...I have not tried a TON of foods that are everyday staples for most people.  I think that is one of things I am finding most exciting about all of this, I am stepping outside of my comfort zone in so many ways.  

My phobia of trying new foods has always been something I felt embarrassed and ashamed about.   Putting it all out here for you guys to read is really helping me to not feel that way anymore, and the more food I try the less I am afraid to try the next thing.  It is also exciting because while I am not loving everything I try, I am finding new foods that I think are AMAZING.  I think my favorite so far is Red Peppers,  I had them before in sauces but I had never had them raw and now that is my favorite snack!

I am also trying new recipes and exploring new ways to do things which is really exciting to me.  It may sound silly but before yesterday I didn't know that you could make vegetables in the steaming basket of the rice maker at the same time as making rice.  I was talking with my brother, about vegetables and learned that, which is something I never would have known before.  

While I am having my ups and downs going through this like James Taylor says in Secret O' Life "it's just a lovely ride."

Progress: Back on track and feeling good
Notes: Research different seasonings for the sweet potato

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