There is a beginning for everything, Semi Sonic says " Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." I'm sure they didn't come up with that saying but that is the song that is ringing in my ears. Starting a journey off any course you have ever imagined yourself on can make you a little nervous. I am a little excited too!
Today marks the end of me eating crazy processed foods. I keep telling myself that I quit smoking back in August so this should be a breeze. Something tells me that breaking this habit isn't going to be that easy. I am afraid that my vices I have let go of already like alcohol and nicotine are nothing in comparison to my addiction to refined sugar that I have been cultivating since I was a child. I love it in all it's terrible forms.
Today is my first day of trying to eat cleaner and so far what I have noticed is that having a glass of Lemon water in the morning did help me to cut way back on my coffee consumption. I only had 3/4 of a cup this morning. I was in a pretty good mood most of the day. During the late afternoon I felt pretty grumpy. I took time to go be on my own for a little while and use the free Calm app I down loaded. It seemed to help!
This evening my moodiness has been coupled with a pretty nasty headache so I have been drinking water to try to help get rid of it. I also am noticing a little bit of break out on my face. I suspect toxins leaving but not sure.
I made it through without eating anything prepackaged. With the exception of seasonings I used at dinner. I LOVE LEMON WATER!!!
I would like to even begin to make my foods with fresh seasoning...I think I will look into indoor herb gardens !
I hope to update again with more experiences tomorrow.
(I am writing at days end and posting the following morning)
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