Today was one of those days that you can't believe you were ever in a funk in the first place. I was in the groove and I truly felt like I was making lemonade out of my bitter situation. I had to go get blood work done in the morning. It was fasting so I didn't get my cup of coffee or my lemon water. I had a plan though, I was going to bring my coffee in a travel mug for once my blood work was finished. You know what they say about the best laid schemes of mice and men....wouldn't you know I get half way there and realize I left my travel mug on the counter.
I decided to not let that influence my attitude of the day. I walked into the lab with a smile on my face and I meant it. Blood work doesn't really bother me, I have been poked and hooked up to IV bags so many times in my lifetime that a pin prick to get some blood seems like a bit of a joke to me. The thing I generally don't like about it is that I have always had terrible veins. When ever I go to get blood drawn or have needed an IV in the past they have had a terrible time finding my vein which leads me to have giant bruises all over my arm or sometimes arms depending if the tech gives up and decides to start on another arm. I am used to it though it has always sort of come with the territory. Until now! Today the girl found my vein instantaneously, I didn't even feel it when she put the needle in. I will not have giant bruises this time. I told her she was amazing, that she was the best tech ever!
As I was driving away, I started wondering about what was different. I have a few different conclusions, one was that my diet is better and the other is that I consuming a ton of water these days. I think that has made all the difference for me I would often get the IV bags due to dehydration so apparently guzzling water is having a positive impact on by body.
I have also been trying to get back into couponing a little bit. Yesterday I had a pretty good deal at CVS. I was happy, I am feeling less like hiding in my house and feeling more like I want to get out and experience new things. As I try these new foods and have these new experiences I keep thinking there is so much out there I am not experiencing in life.
I have decided to try not only to rid my life of fear when trying new foods. I have decided to embrace life and try new things in general. So tonight after watching on Facebook for a few weeks...actually six, I have been watching this group for six weeks!! I decided to stop thinking about going and actually go.
I went to the World Peace Meditation Circle up in Brockport. This week the focus was on Overtone Chanting which I was a little nervous to experience because it was outside my realm of comfort. I almost let they be an excuse to wait until next week. The old me would have done just that and I am so glad I didn't. I really enjoyed getting out and being around new and different people. I loved that there was a woman there who shared her time, energy, and knowledge with a group free of charge. I found the chanting to be calming and also exhilarating which sounds contradictory but I don't know how else to explain it. I loved feeling the vibrations and hearing all the different tones around me.
What types of activities have you gone out and done that were outside your realm of comfort that you ended up enjoying? I would love to hear about them in your comments for new ideas!
As for my nutrition today, it was spot on. I didn't have any cheats. I am feeling so amazing. I find as I fill my head with different experiences and new ideas I am focusing less on my outside appearance. I feel for the first time in years I am growing and I love it.
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